
Donnerstag, 18. September 2014

A 857, A 855 und A 859

Niederländische Minensuchboote A 857, A 855 und A 859

" is the only remaining Ocean Minesweeper of the U.S Navy in the Netherlands after the second Wold War,together with five sister ships, the Ocean Mine Sweeper assisted in the clean up of sea mines in the important waterways to the Dutch harbours. These ships played a role in the rebuilding of the economy of the Netherlands
the boats ..... .....A854 ex M884 ex MSO480 ex AM 480
Hr.Ms.Onvervaard.... ...... A858 ex M888 exMSO482 ex AM 482
Hr.Ms.Onvermoeid .........A857 ex M887 ex MSO484 ex AM484
Hr.Ms.Onbevreesd ..........A855 ex M885 ex MSO481 ex AM481
Hr.Ms.Onverdroten .........A859 ex M889 ex MSO485 ex AM485
Hr.Ms.Onverschrokken .. A856 ex M886 ex MSO483 ex MA483 " (

Quelle: CHK*

CHK = Collection Herbert Kalbitz. - Ich danke für die Erlaubnis Scans der Karten bei PoSeWe (Schiffe) zu veröffentlichen.

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